The Testosterone Revolution

Written by: Professor Malcolm Carruthers

Professor Malcolm Carruthers explains how the high achieving, ‘High T Male’ can recover his drive and performance after a slump in the level or activity of testosterone in his body and how he can escape from the Low T trap.

Many men find that reduced activity of the hormone testosterone can have a huge effect on their health and potency. This book offers help to men at this time of mid-life crisis – the andropause.
• It causes loss of energy, libido and potency, hot flushes, irritability and other symptoms
• The book introduces the ‘high T male’ – the high achieving man who suddenly finds the mid-life drop in testosterone makes him a disaster in bedroom and boardroom.
• Carefully monitored use of Testosterone Replacement Therapy is advocated
• The book also introduces the perfect companions – TRT and Viagra

Available in hardback or as a Kindle edition

Think you may be suffering from the symptoms of Low T/Male menopause? Why not take the free, confidential self- test symptom questionnaire?

Looking for treatment for Low T or erectile dysfunction in the UK? The Centre for Men’s Health, founded 30 years ago by Professor Carruthers, has clinics in London and Manchester and offers blood testing, diagnostic services and expert treatment for Low T/the male menopause and related health problems.