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What to Expect

The Blood Testing Procedure

Testosterone levels can vary throughout the day and after food. For this reason, blood test results are most accurate if done in the morning before eating. We ask that you get your blood test at least 4 hours before your appointment and on an empty stomach since midnight that night.

Blood tests are taken by the nursing team at 25 Harley Street and processed at the onsite laboratory. They are available from 8 am on weekdays. To ensure a member of the nursing team is available when you arrive please mark your blood test time on our blood test scheduling portal (https://centreformenshealth.setmore.com). Appointments can always be changed and marking your predicted time will prevent delays. 

Saturday blood tests are performed next door at 9 Harley street. This clinic opens at 10 am.

It is possible to get your blood tested via mailed blood test kits. We are associated with a number of clinics around the country called Express Medicals. After receiving your kit in the mail please contact your closest Express Medicals branch to arrange a phlebotomy appointment. Once your kit is ready, please take it immediately to the nearest post office. The prepaid postage on every kit will take it to our laboratory for analysis the next day. It is essential that blood reach the lab as quickly as possible, so to avoid weekend delays please have kits posted before the Thursday of that week.

What to Expect at Your Appointment

At your appointment with the consultant. The consultant will go over the whole set of results from your blood tests, take a medical history, and perform a physical exam. If appropriate, they will take you through the treatment options available. Both of you can decide on the best choice of treatment and begin it that day.

The first visit for every patient includes a full medical history assessment and a physical exam. The doctor may ask you questions about your family, sexual orientation, and recreational activities. A male physical exam may include examination of the genitals, rectum, and prostate. If you are not comfortable with any part of the visit, please tell your consultant and they will do everything they can to respect your wishes.


Payment for our services is asked for after your visit. Preferred methods are Visa and Mastercard. At this time we cannot accept American Express. 

Testosterone Replacement Therapy and other long term men’s health services are generally not covered by health insurance plans. Currently we cannot take payment from any health insurance plans. If you wish to be reimbursed by your health insurance for our services we will do everything we can to assist you.